Thursday, September 4, 2008

Talana Watson Fawson

Talana and Lorell 1970's

Talana and Lorell Now

It’s been fun to read the updates. It is also surprising how many of you live close by. I probably pass you by unknowingly. I liberated my yearbooks from the dust, my Senior copy still blank from missing yearbook day whilst taking finals at WSC. Sad, I think I’ll bring it along for autographs after seeing the accomplishments listed in the bios. My bio picks up at yearbook day and I went on to finish half of my nursing classes before switching to education. I worked at the old Dee and moved to the new McKay-Dee; working while I finished school, met my husband (a la general hospital), and started teaching for Weber School District in 1971. Forty years later and I have come full circle.

We moved to California, Kentucky and Ohio where my husband, Lorell Fawson, attended Podiatry school. We lived in HUD housing for four years in Cleveland, an education in itself, and moved back to Utah for his practice. We have lived in North Ogden for 28 years. Lorell continues to practice podiatry and it pays for his farming hobby. He farms our 12 acres and shops for equipment. I don’t give him too much hassle if he loans me the backhoe.

For the last 20 years I have been working as a teacher and then as a counselor. I tried high school, jr. high, and decided to stay in elementary where we don’t do class changes. I love my job, love the kids and have the summers with my grandchildren and garden. I love to hike and camp so do the camp director fix in the summer. The Wind Rivers sign in the blog made me nostalgic; it was a great five day backpack trip with friends.

I have three great adult children. They are all Weber High Warriors. My mother, who is 93, was also a Weber High graduate, along with my sister LeeDell (‘65) and brothers, Jethro and John (‘71) and sister Emma (’75). My daughter, Saysha, graduated in ’90, Justin graduated in ’94 and Ammon in ’98.

Saysha graduated from BYU on scholarship, with honors, and married Sean Reyes who graduated with her and went on to Berkley Law School while she was in Romania on an LDS mission. They live in SLC and have five beautiful children. Sean is finally back from the Republican convention and sent the Sean, Saysha and family photo. He is very helpful when he is around. He's a hard working guy, she is a beautiful supportive wife and mother. He was awarded the National Young Attorney of the Year this year. (Nice kudo for Utah - vs NY and LA) Next month he will receive the outstanding young alumni award from BYU for this year. Ok, so mom's brag. I never did any of that stuff -or raised 5 kids either.

Saysha's Family

Justin married Sara Robison, who went to Ogden High School, when he returned from a mission in Italy. He graduated on the Deans List at Westminster with Army support which he paid back in full at 9-11, Afghanistan and Iraq speaking Arabic. He works for Focus and lives in North Ogden with Sara and their four fantastic children

Justin's Family

Ammon went to Ukraine for his two year mission and was just married in March to Lena Saiz. He works for the Microsoft division of Focus. They are doing what we were doing 38 years ago… working and going to school.

Ammon's Wedding

I have come full circle by returning to Farr West this last year to work at the elementary school. Many of the Watson clan still lives in that area. I’m renewing old acquaintances. I spend my summers traveling, entertaining grandkids and gardening. I used to spend a lot of time fighting morning glory and trying to stay young but the extension agent tells us the morning glory holds the earth together and removing it all would be a disaster. The staying young thing isn’t happening either. I went to buy new athletic shoes- for gardening- and the salesman asked what caused the unusual wear on the old pair. I said, "shoveling’ and he said, ‘shuffling?" That and ‘40 year reunion’ says it all. We are going to Park City to enjoy ourselves for a few days around the reunion. I might see you there at the home show or the Egyptian…you’ll know me by my shuffle. Talana W. Fawson
Justin and Family

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