Thursday, September 4, 2008

Randy Chambers

Hell-o Class of 1968;Looking at the pictures on the blog, I start to wonder why you all look so good. I'm sitting here without any of my own teeth, bald, fat, lame, half blind and my ears don't work so good. Other than that, with my mullet, and my gargantuan nose and huge Adams Apple, I look almost the same as I did 40 years ago. (Only now do I realize that is not a good thing for me and explains why I could never get a date, except with Kaiser.) The attached picture is of Karla and I as we renewed our vows last year in front of our brand new 1975 trailer home. My dog's name is Butch as is 3 of our 4 boys. Hope all is well with all of you, I honestly have only the fondest memories of our class. I really miss Layne Powell, heck, I really miss ME. Oh well.See you all later.

PS "BUT, and it's a big BUT, I have included a more recent photo of me and one of my toys, it doesn't run, but it's fun to sit on and make people think I own something cool.
Randy [Poopsy]

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